04 December 2015

Same, but Different

Utrecht, The Netherlands

Do I miss the Netherlands? There are moments I return to, like sitting alone in my tiny room, in my tiny flat, watching a hot air balloon float over the rows upon rows of Dutch houses with their red-brown brick exterior and terrarium-like windows. I never understood why no one minded being watched through their wide, ground level windows. Walking on the street, you could see old men asleep on their couches or children surrounded by piles of Legos or couples splayed over one another watching TV. The houses were all the same on the outside, but they contained different people. But if different people live in the same houses do they become more similar as a result?

27 November 2015

Dog and Cat

The Hague, The Netherlands

Gainesville, FL, USA

20 November 2015

Shadow of the Past

St. Augustine, FL

One of my first posts from back in 2007 was at this very same beach in St. Augustine, FL. I only have a vague memory of that day. I remember the flowers with red and yellow petals and the scowl that father gave me. But I can't recollect whether I was alone or with friends. It's very possible I was with my dear friend pictured here.

16 November 2015

New Beginning

Utrecht, The Netherlands

I'm well aware my last post was from over two years ago. In the interim, I had been living in Utrecht, a small medieval city in the Netherlands. Decartes lived in Utrecht way back when, and, fittingly, I studied philosophy there. A research masters in the History and Philosophy of Science, to be precise. Now I'm back in the United States, putting the finishing touches on my thesis and freelancing as a science writer and editor. I spent some time in my home state of Florida and now I'm living in a small cottage in the middle of nowhere in North Carolina. In the following weeks I will post photos of my time in the Netherlands, Florida and North Carolina. Occasionally, I'll also write posts that contextualize current happenings in science in time and space (society). Wish me luck.